Natural Horsemanchip Clinic. Bilau-Biki Blasco Riding and Equine Therapy Centre.
Bilau-Biki Blasco Riding and Equine Therapy Centre, at Labiano (Navarra), and Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Equestre have established their third cooperation agreement related in this occasion to the celebration of a Natural Horsemanship Clinic at Biki Blasco Riding Club.
During one of the weekends in July, 15 participants joined the Horsemanship Clinic conducted by Joan Anton Vendrell (Texas, USA). Horsemanship means the relationship between a human being who wants to understand the horse’s attitudes and behaviour, and a horse willing to accept the human being’s leadership and perform as requested to. It is a blend of knowledge, leadership, skill and desire to communicate, between man and horse.
At Fundacion para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, we believe it is essential to train in the handling and understanding of the horse at liberty, of the movements and bio-mechanics of the horse foot on ground, and pre-riding workouts and preparation, and so we support courses like the Natural Horsemanship Clinic organized by Bilau – Biki Blasco Riding and Equine Therapy Centre.