Conference on Equine Osteopathy in Córdoba

On 12th May, the Foundation to Promote Equestrian Sports organized a Conference on Equine Osteopathy at the Clinical Veterinarian Hospital of the University of Córdoba, delivered by Mr. Roberto Abitbol, renowned homeopath and osteopath, president of the Association of Natural Therapy Professionals of Madrid (APTN-COFENAT) and the Nacional Cooperative for Natural Therapies (CONAMAD0), also the founder and director of the International Center of Equestrian Studies (C.I.D.E.E.).


A total of 30 students, veterinarians and professors of the faculty attended the lecture, whose theoretical part was delivered in the Clinical Veterinarian Hospital, followed by a Q&A session and then by a practical session at the center’s exercise ring, with horses that presented different muscular and articular conditions.
Abitbol showed the attendants the mobilization maneuvers to apply on the horses present there, as well as the procedures to carry out in each specific case to re-establish the biomechanical wellbeing of the animal.


This first conference is part of a cycle of Introduction to Equine Osteopathy, which the Foundation began to develop in 2010, and shall continue to hold all across Spain during this 2011.

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