Horse assisted therapies for the empowerment of women who have suffered from gender-based violence – Asociación Entorno Doñana

The fourth agreement between Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and Asociación Entorno Doñana, from Alpedrete (Madrid), was signed to support the development of their program of horse assisted therapies for the empowerment of women who have suffered from gender-based violence.


This project targeted shelter centres and social services units that assist women who are victims of gender violence. It consisted of six work sessions in which representatives of the centres participated also. Eight women aged 20 to 50 benefited from the activities.7

Projects like this prove the versatility of Horse Assisted Therapies. Women who have suffered from gender violence have been able to work with them to improve their self-esteem, confidence, responsibility, to learn to draw limits and to build up personal resources and empowerment.6

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