Summer course “We’re Animals: Our unexpected connection” – Complutense University of Madrid (UCM)
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and Complutense University of Madrid (UCM), have been keeping up, since 6 years ago, a cooperative relation, backing several of their educational projects. In this occasion, support went to the summer course “We’re Animals: Our unexpected connection”.
This course, set in the frame of El Escorial UCM Summer Courses 2017, was held from July 10th to 14th, and had 28 participants.
This course intends tofacilitate analysis, thought and debate on the relationship between Man and Animal, established in Pre-History and continued up to our time, and its reflection in Art, society, Medicine (therapy in particular), and Science.
The course had excellent teachers, like Dr. Ignacio Martinez Mendizabal and Dr. Jose Luis Arzuaga awarded with the Príncipe de Asturias Prize; the Director of Institute Jane Goodall, Dr. Rebeca Atencia; the film director Javier Trueba, or the Director of the UCM Summer Courses, Dr. Manuel Álvarez Junco.
Dr. Paloma Forés Jackson, Veterinary Ph.D. and Dr. Sonia Cabello García, Ph. D. in Arts, joined their efforts in the direction of the course.
In its constant promotion of scientific knowledge and education, Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and Complutense supports the plans and programs of institutions related to the world of culture and the world of horses, as another way to produce professionals of the highest qualifications.