Therapies with Horses – San Jorge Riding School

The San Jorge Riding School in Madrid continues its hippotherapy program started in 2008, through which it has conducted, during the months of January, February and March 2014, a series of therapies with horses aimed at students with various pathologies. For 1 more year, The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport collaborates with them, covering 5 half scholarships that have allowed 5 students to benefit from the activity.
The students benefiting from these grants have been able to receive therapy lasting 30 minutes, in which they have kept direct contact with horses, participating in mounted, dismounted and animal care activities. This dynamic allows them to achieve great benefits such as:
– Improved self-esteem.
– Development of balance and improvement of the control of the trunk during horse riding.
– Greater independence of the rider and an increased freedom of movement.
Furthermore, it encourages the practice of Riding as a curative and educational tool.
The children with grants this year had already received hippotherapy in previous years. These new sessions reinforce their progress, improving the quality of life for the patients themselves and for their families, who see how the children are overcoming limitations characteristic of Autism, Epilepsy or Cat Cry Syndrome.
With this activity, The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport continues to support programs for therapies with horses, making them more accessible to people less fortunate.

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