Equine-Assisted Therapies Course – Biki E.E. Blasco Centre

The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport, continues its collaboration for the second consecutive year with  Biki Blasco Equine Therapy  and the Equestrian Centre situated in Labiano (Navarra)
The assistance of the Foundation went towards a training course in Assisted Therapy with horses attended by 26 students.  These included not only staff and volunteers from Biki Blasco but students who came from Zaragoza and Gipuzkoa.
The course taught was divided into three blocks:
– The First Block centred on equine therapy, adapted riding and disabled riding taught by Amaia Usarraga and Laura Cabalgante from the Biki Blasco Centre team
– The Second Block, focusing on  emotional and social Equine therapy was given by Regina Ballarín
from the catalana Camins Cavall Riding Team.
– The Third Block specialising in the dynamics of coaching assisted with horses, was imparted by the coach Alba Rueda a writer from Leon. This was done dismounted with loose horses.
With this course the Foundation for the promotion of Equestrian Sport reaffirmed its support for the training of professionals and volunteers in the techniques of Assisted Therapy with horses . With this commitment and backing the Biko Blasco Centre will repeat the course at least once a year due to its success.

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