Donation of adapted riding equipment – I.A.C. La Manada
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and the Association I.A.C. La Manada, from Sevilla, established their second cooperation agreement to donate adapted riding equipment for their therapy program.
The program, conducted throughout 2016 with a break during the summer months, was oriented not only to individuals with special needs and groups at risk of social exclusion, but also to day-care centres for the elderly, schools and other associations in general. Regarding schools, the beneficiaries were two children suffering from Brain Damage, two with Autism Spectrum Disorders, and a boy with diagnose of Language Specific Disorder. Furthermore, an Awareness Meeting was held at CEIP Arco de Umbrete School (Sevilla), with the attendance of 15 students and their families.
The horse is a great mediator in the improvement of the life quality of persons with any type of impairment or special needs, positively contributing to their cognitive, physical, social and emotional development. For this reason Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre has shown its commitment with this Equestrian Therapy Program.