– Caminos de Herradura

Caminos de Herradura has received for the fifth time the support of Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre though a cooperation agreement to improve the equipment they require to conduct their adapted riding sessions.

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In 2016, 8 members of this association benefited from Equestrian Therapy.

The intervention was arranged in the way of 90 minutes weekly sessions, held from January to December, keeping the holyday brakes.

Among the program goals were to offer an activity -complementary to the users’ daily routines- that provides gratifying experiences through contact with horses, to foster positive behaviour patterns, to stimulate interpersonal communication, to facilitate the development of personal skills that favour personal growth and life quality in all participants.


Enhancing personal autonomy and social integration of individuals suffering from Autism Spectrum Disorders through physical exercise, taking advantage of the horse’s natural features, is one of the goals pursued by Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, and the reason for consolidating our cooperation with this project.

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