Improvement of Facilities – Asociación Abaqur

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and Asociación Abaqur, from Madrid,signed their third consecutive cooperation agreement to support the “Proyecto Quirón” (“Quirón Project”) by financing the construction of an adapted toilet suitable for users with reduced mobility.


The base of the “Proyecto Quirón” are equine therapy sessions for adult and elderly disabled users, that comprise foot-on-ground and on-horse activities, all of a low intensity, easy to perform and with no risk.

In particular, 74 adult and elderly women with different types of diversity benefited from this physical activity program for periods ranging from three to six months.


The regular practise of physical exercise has proved to reduce the negative consequences of aging on people with diversity, and equine therapy is an excellent way to do it.

The adapted toilet sponsored by Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre is an essential piece of equipment to make the experience pleasant for participants with reduced mobility.IMG-20170517-WA0017

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