VII Equidinamia Day – Equidinamia

The VII Equidinamia Day, organized by Marta Garcia Piquetes and Mar de Echevarría Ruiz Oriol, members of Equidinamia, was supported by Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, establishing the fifth collaboration agreement between the two parties.

On November 9th, 2019, the Equidinamia team taught the VII Equidinamia Day titled «Myths and Truths about Equine Sports Health. Optimal handling of the sport horse».

It was attended by 13 people from different points of Madrid, mostly riders within a wide age range.
The course was held at the facilities of “Vistas Reales” Riding Club, in Soto del Real (Madrid), with a 11:00h to 18:30h schedule, with lectures in the morning and an afternoon training session.

This one-day course addresses self-awareness and foot-to-ground work, the adjustment of the mount, stretching exercises and core-training, and, ultimately, a better knowledge of the horse as an athlete to avoid injuries, fundamental issues for Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre in the training of horsemen, horsewomen and other experts.

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