Donation of Adaptive Riding Equipment – Asociación Zooterapia Extremadura
The ninth collaboration agreement with Asociación Zooterapia Extremadura (AZE) was aimed at the Donation of Adaptive Riding Equipment by Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre. The purpose of this material is to be used in their Equine-Assisted Interventions program.
With the material received, Asociación Zooterapia Extremadura (AZE) ensures a real and adapted program of Equestrian Therapies to people and / or groups, offering them the necessary resources to favor and enhance their physical, cognitive, personal, emotional capacities for leisure and free time, with the main objective of improving their quality of life.
Throughout the year they treated a total of 19 users permanently, with very diverse diagnoses and characteristics: Rett Syndrome, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, ADD, ADHD, etc.
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre has contributed to the Extremadura Zootherapy Association with the donation of a material that allows it to achieve the main objectives set for each user with greater quality and safety.