VI Volunteer Training Course – Fundación Caballo Amigo (Friend Horse Foundation)

Fundación Caballo Amigo, based in Villafranca del Castillo (Madrid), has held its VI Volunteer Training Course at Riding Club “San Luis”, sponsored by Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, after both institutions signed their ninth cooperation agreement.
The course was organized to train volunteers as assistants in equestrian activities for intellectually and/or physically disabled horse riders.
Twelve participants showed their interest in being trained to play an active role in the therapeutic riding sessions, assist the disabled riders and handle the therapy horses.
The course was structured in two different parts: lectures and practical training. During this last part, volunteers were divided in groups of 3 to practise skills like horse grooming, foot on ground handling and vaulting.
To increase the number of trained people, with the knowledge and skills required to attend disabled users and conduct equestrian therapies, is one of the priorities of Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre. DSC00270

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