V Conference Equidinamia – Equine Physiotherapy – Equidinamia

The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport and the Madrilenian entity Equidinamia formalized their second collaboration through the signing of an agreement that was aimed at the making of the V Conference Equidinamia – Equestrian Physiotherapy in the facilities of the Clinical Veterinary Hospital Virgen de las Nieves located in Fuente El Saz de Jarama (Madrid).

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On April 30th   2016, Equidinamia team imparted the V Conference, which focused on the correct work of the horses’ musculature.

 It was a theoretical and practical course lasting 8 hours that was attended by 12 people from various parts of the Spanish geography with different concerns and relationship with horses; although mostly were riders, although mostly were riders, some veterinary professionals also attended the course.

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Knowing how to work correctly and improve horses’ muscle condition, supporting continuous training and the dissemination of equestrian knowledge to ensure the welfare of both, the sport horse as well as the therapy horse; these are fundamental aspects of the Foundation for the Promotion of Sport Equestrian, which in this occasion, has materialized its support in the initiative presented by Equidinamia.


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