Therapeutic Riding Associations and Centres Meeting

On January 19th the Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport, in collaboration with the Horse Friend Foundation, organized a meeting between professionals from different institutions working in the therapeutic riding environment in Spain. It’s been now eight years since both foundations have favoured this appointment.
The meeting took place at the Club de Campo Villa de Madrid. The day began at 11:00 am, where the event started with different presentations of projects, and continuing with the final conclusions and a lunch that closed the meeting around 16:30 hours.
Reunión Asociaciones 2015
The main objectives of this annual meeting are:

  • Establish direct contact between representatives of different institutions conducting equestrian activities for people with disabilities.
  •   Meet the real needs of each institution and / or professional to provide technical advice and assistance from the Foundation.
  •   Discuss common problems among those people involved in therapeutic riding in our country.
  •   Establish bonds for the development of joint programmes between the different institutions.
  •   Gather projects for 2025 with the different requests.

Once more, this meeting has the support of the associations and foundations within the field of national therapeutic riding through their presence and interest, not only involving their own activities, but also projects that the other teams have presented. With this we have successfully expanded perspectives, exchanging knowledge and ideas with people who pursue the same goal with different plans and resources, all with therapeutic riding as the main focus of their activity.
Reunión Asociaciones 2015

1. ASPACE Baleares

2. Paraequivent

3. Asociación Unicornio Azul

4. Asociación EQUURA Terapias Ecuestres

5. IMSP Badalona – Equipo de Atención a la Infancia y la Adolescencia

6. Fundación Carriegos

7. Centro de Equitación y Equinoterapiade Navarra

8. Club Deportivo Equinesport

9. Baytar Hípica

10. Asociación Pe&Co

11. Fundación Tiovivo

12. Centro Hípico de Pinto

13. ZooterapiaExtremadura

14. Escuela de Equitación San Jorge

15. Asociación de Profesionales de Terapias con Caballos APTC

16. EkinaturTerapias con Animales

17. Federación Navarra de Deportes Adaptados

18. Centro de Educación y EquinoterapiaBiki Blasco

19. Asociación Equitación como Terapia

20. EquiTEA

21. Asociación Ikiriki

22. Fundación Antonio Boluda

23. Asociación Espiral

24. Asociación La Manada

25. Asociación Equitación Positiva

26. Asociación Madrileña de Terapias Ecuestres MAIARA

27. Fundación MHG

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