“Incluyendo a caballo” (“including on horseback”) – Asociación Arekitemo

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre  and the institution Arekitemo in Navarra, have cooperated in 2017 in the development of the program “Incluyendo a caballo” (“including on horseback”). This has been their fourth opportunity to work in collaboration.20171026_114612

The workshop “Incluyendo a caballo” (“including on horseback”), brought the equestrian world closer to 18 students at Gorbeialde Special Needs Education School, covering issuesfrom grooming and care to horse riding. These children, all suffering form different conditions associated to multiple impairments, attended the workshop on a weekly basis, during the months of October and November.


Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre values the integration of horses in the daily routines of schools, through projects of associations such as Arekitemo, which propose to base their activities on school premises, so may children can access and benefit from the world of horses.20171114_121234

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