Horse Assisted Interventions program – Asociación Unicorn
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and Asociación Unicorn, from Arenys de Munt (Barcelona), have agreed on their second collaboration venture for the implementation of a Horse Assisted Interventions program.
The project was oriented to 9 young adults with intellectual diversity, from Jaume Isern (Fundación Maresme) Occupational Center, and led by equine therapy professionals assisted by volunteers and 2 instructors.
A total of 6 sessions of 2 hours were held between the months of September to November on a weekly basis, encouraging the relationship with animals and peers through team dynamics and physical contact among ponies, donkeys, horses and youths.
The para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre welcomes the result of these Horse-Assisted Interventions carried out by Asociación Unicorn in terms of increasing the motivation and autonomy of all its participants, facilitating and encouraging personal initiative and decision-making.