“Equitación Temprana” (“Early Riding”) – Cavalli Foundation
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre has signed its 3rd cooperation agreement with Cavalli Foundation, from Murcia. The target of the 2018 agreement is their program “Equitación Temprana” (“Early Riding”).
The project “Equitación Temprana” (“Early Riding”) intends to develop resources for the social and educational integration of children and prevent developmental risks.
The beneficiaries of this program where 8 children aged 2 to 6 from Alhama de Murcia Early Attention Centre, with personal autonomy but suffering, or at risk of suffering Developmental General Disorder.
Six Horse Assisted Interventions where conducted during the months of May and June, with 2 sessions a week, for groups of 4, each session for one and a half hours.
All participants and their families warmly welcomed the activity from the beginning. After seeing its affective, psychological, cognitive and psychomotor benefits, the families request it to be continued, which has been highly valued by Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre.