Donation of Adaptive Riding Equipment – Asociación Equidad Terapias Ecuestres

 Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and Asociación Equidad Terapias Ecuestres, from Villlena (Alicante), has signed its second collaboration agreement in order to donate new Adaptive Riding Equipment for its project «Cogiendo las Riendas».

This Project has been designed to complete the curricular dynamics of 40 children and young people from 4 to 18 years old who attend the AMMEC, ASINDOWN and FUVANE Associations, and who work on Interventions for people with special needs derived from Cerebral Palsy, Down syndrome and ASD including the horse as a therapist, both in physical-motor areas, as well as in psychological areas. In total, there have been 4 months, from March to June, who have attended Hippotherapy and Psychotherapy sessions with Horses.


Working on the objectives of reinforcing the areas of language, fine motor skills, behavioral and social aspects, shares by Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, Equidad Terapias Ecuestres continues to improve the general quality of life of the little ones through horse.

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