Degree in Equine Physiotherapy – Complutense University of Madrid
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and the Veterinary School of Complutense University of Madrid have signed an agreement to conduct the Third Edition of the specific Degree “Expert on the Basis of Physiotherapy and Animal Rehabilitation”, which began in October 2014 and finished in September 2015”.
The academic program of this specific degree is complemented with a second degree “Expert in Equine Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation”, which had its first edition in academic year 2014-2015, also with our Foundation’s support.
A total of 12 post-graduate students, all of them veterinarians from different points in Spain, were trained through this program in the following subjects: Functional Anatomy, Functional Neurology, Biomechanics, Locomotive Physiology, Lameness Diagnosis, Traumatology, Physiopathology of Tissue Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine, Behaviour, Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Manual and Physical Therapy, Exercise and Training Physiology, Diagnostic Imaging, Manual Veterinarian Therapies, Chiropractic and other alternative medicine techniques.
Practical Training, a 50% of the course schedule, was conducted at the Complutense Veterinary Clinic Hospital.
About 50 instructors were involved in the course, among which were veterinarians, physiotherapists, doctors, farriers, and even psychologists, all experts in the different course-subjects.
Satisfaction surveys gathered after the course have shown very positive results regarding organization, interest and clinical application of the newly acquired knowledge.
In this way, Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, consistent with its educational spirit, does its share for the consolidation of university degrees in horse veterinary.