Clinic on Horse-Rider Postural Control and Core-training- Equidinamia
The 3rd cooperation agreement between Equidinamia, promoted by Marta García and Mar de Echeverría, and Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, targeted the organization of the “1st Clinic on Horse-RiderPostural Control and Core-training”.
On May 10th and 11th the Equidinamia instruction team worked at the premises of Asociación Amigos del Caballo Riding Centre on Griñón, Madrid, the 1st Clinic on Horse-RiderPostural Control and Core-training. The course had a 10-hour programme.
There were 16 participants, 8 of them with their horses, while others just attended the lectures, the foot-on-ground workshop and the assessment of the horse-riders.
The Clinic dealt with:
- Influence of the rider’s posture on the horse (2 hours lecture)
- Workshop: training rider´s control of the pelvis and stabilising muscles using fitballs, Eutony sticks andTheraBands (2 hours).
- Saddle fit and rider position evaluationsofthe 8 participating riders (4 hours).
- Optimal fitness of the equine sportsperson. Core-training (2 hours lecture).
- Full static assessment of the 8 participating riders.
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre supports eventsthat promote education and knowledge about the equestrian worldto train the best professionals and amateurs, such as this Clinic by Equidinamia.