Three courses on Physical-Psychological-Emotional Wellbeing of the Therapy and Paraequestrian Horse – Fundación Cavalli
With the signature of a cooperation agreement, Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre took part, for the first time, in the set of three courses on Physical-Psychological-Emotional Wellbeing of the Therapy and Paraequestrian Horse, organised by Fundación Cavalli, from Murcia.
The aim of these courses is to boost awareness on the importance of the physical, psychological and emotional wellbeing of the Therapy and Paraequestrian Sports Horse among the institutions that conduct horse assisted therapies, among the professionals who wish to specialize in them, and in general, among those working with horses, by providing training on horse-care before, during and after the interventions, on the training of therapy horses and on their management and life conditions.
In total, there were 3 theoretical and practise modules given during two weekends, one in November and the other in December 2016, with the attendance of 24 persons.
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre considers vital the education on the care of horses used in therapy and sports, to promote good work practice that ensures their wellbeing and quality of life.