Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, in collaboration with Fundación Caballo Amigo, for the ninth year in a row, celebrated on Monday, January 18th, the annual meeting of the institutions involved in Equestrian Therapies in Spain.
The meeting, held at Villa de Madrid Country Club, started at 11:00 a.m. with the presentation of the different projects. Once all proposals had been heard, and written the conclusions, there was a luncheon, which closed the meeting at about 16:00 hrs.
The main goals pursued with this annual meeting were:

  • To put in contact all the representatives of institutions conducting Equestrian Activities oriented to individuals with special needs.
  • To gather information about the real needs of institutions and professionals, so the Foundation can assist them with technical advice and support.
  • To discuss problems shared by the Equestrian Therapy community in our country.
  • To establish bonds towards the development of joint programs among the different institutions.
  • To collect sponsorship applications for projects to be developed in 2016.

On more year, due to the interest shown by Equestrian Therapy Associations from different points in Spain, it has been possible to hold this event, during which the different institutions have had the opportunity to present their activities and defend the projects for their consideration for a sponsorship by Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre.
Participants had the opportunity to exchange their impressions and expertise, broadening their perspectives by sharing the initiatives launched by the different institutions. Although they all pursue common goals, each institution has its own strategic approach.

  1. ASPACE Baleares
  2. Paraequivent
  3. Asociación Unicornio Azul
  4. Asociación EQUURA Terapias Ecuestres
  5. Fundación Carriegos
  6. Asociación Pe&Co
  7. Centro de Equitación y EquinoterapiaBiki Blasco
  8. C.D.H. Alianza
  9. Asade Salamanca
  10. MAIARA
  11. Centro Hípico Mas Aragó
  12. Psicoanimal
  13. Fundación Caballo Amigo
  14. Caminos de Herradura
  15. Asociación Entorno Doñana
  16. Equitación Positiva
  17. Fundación Tiovivo
  18. Equitación como terapia
  19. Fundación Cavalli

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