Basis of the Call


Term Ended

The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sports / Fundación Para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre was born in 2005 and from the beginning, H.R.H.Infanta Doña Elena has participated in the Board meetings and has been involved in many of the frecuent activities supported and conducted by the Foundation.

Since 2015, H.R.H. is Honorary President of the Foundation.

Fundación Para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre is a private institution, whose goals are:

  • To contribute to the dissemination, promotion and development of all varieties and disciplines of equestrian sports; their historic, educational, economic and cultural values,and, in general, to foster any activity that will increase general knowledge and love for the equestrian art.
  • To protect and encourage horse breeding and its related activities, like sponsoring and supporting research programs.
  • To support and foster initiation and perfection in equestrian sports.
  • To give education and professional training in equestrian related fields.
  • To coordinate and provide resources to purchase horses, equipment or the grounds to enable riding practice, from initiation activities to the most demanding riding contests, ensuring that a limited budget doesn’t become a barrier for the development of horsemen and women at any level.
  • To facilitate persons with special needs the practice of equestrian sports, as a means for their social integration.

In 2019, the Foundation’s Board of Trustees decided to call the Infanta Doña Elena Therapeutic Riding Awards for the Hispanic American Community. This important Award is intended to highlight and aknowledge the work of individuals, institutions or groups that conduct, organice or promote in any way therapeutic riding activities in any of the Hispanic American countries.

The Award is presented during our Annual Merits Recognition Gala Night, held in November at the Royal Theatre in Madrid.

Fundación Para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre made public the call for Infanta Doña Elena Therapeutic Riding Awards for the Hispanic American Community 2019, which will be ruled by the following regulations, approved by the Board of Trustees.

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Download HERE all the Bases of the Call


For more information about this Award: