C.E.I.P. San Fernando of Elche

Logo CEIP ElcheSan Fernando de Elche is a public Primary School located in the Community of Valencia, which in school year 2012-13 set up a special needs education unit for children diagnosed within ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder). Six students aged 3 to 6 will participate, throughout the school year, in six Horse Assisted Therapy sessions at Délvic Equestrian Centre, to receive the benefits of these supplementary therapies in terms of improving their social skills and independence.

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre has signed a collaboration agreement with San Fernando de Elche in 2016, granting financial resources for the Project “Horse Assisted Therapy at Délvic Equestrian Centre”, and the donation of adapted riding equipment to enhance safety during sessions for both customers and animals, with a result of increased effectiveness and improved quality standards.

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