- Inicio / Agreements /
Betsaida´s Casa de Misericordia (residential home) belongs to the Asociación de Obras Cristianas de Gibraleón (Gibraleón Association of Christian Deeds) and opened in December 2002, with the mission of ensuring personal, comprehensive and good quality care services for their intellectually challenged inmates and their families.
For 2016 they have a planned a training program for their care staff, which will consist in an introductory course to Equestrian Therapies, scheduled for February, 19th, 20th and 21st, for 20 hours of both lectures and practice training.
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Equestre supported this initiative by signing a collaboration agreement with Asociación de Obras Cristianas de Gibraleón, in order to provide the financial resources required to conduct this training program.
For more information about Betsaida Home: http://obrascristianas.com/