Own Degree: Expert in Equine Physical Therapy – UCM
The Foundation to Promote Equestrian Sports continues to support the education plan of the Veterinary School of the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM). Following the training in Equine Physical Therapy, for year 2013-2014 they once again gathered resources to hold the first edition of their own degree: “Expert in Equine Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation”.
This training program continues the education developed in the own course “Expert in Basic Equine Physical Therapy and Animal Rehabilitation”, beginning the last academic year, also with collaboration from the Foundation.
Classes began in October 2013 and ended in July 2014. With a total of 500 teaching hours, 7 students benefited from them.
Around thirty teachers took part in the lessons, including veterinarians, physical therapists, doctors, farriers and professional riders, who specialize in the various thematic areas that were taught.
The course covered subjects concerning Functional Anatomy, Biomechanics, Functional Neurology; Locomotive Physiology, Lameness Diagnosis, Horse-Riding, Behavior, Physical Therapy Education, Manual Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physiology of Exercise and Training, Imaging Diagnosis, Orthopedic horseshoeing and rehabilitation, as well as Manual Veterinarian Therapies (equine osteopathy).
Thematic modules developed both a theoretical and a practical part, comprising 50% of classroom hours.
With this program, the Foundation to Promote Equestrian Sports bets on an exhaustive and quality education to train better qualified professionals and healthier horses receiving better care.