Adapted Classic Dressage Spanish Championship – CECYL

The second project developed in 2018 within the first cooperation frame setby Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre y el Centro Ecuestre de Castilla y León (CECYL), was the celebration of the Adapted Classic Dressage Spanish Championship (Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre) held on their premises from May 31st to June 3rd.

The Adapted Classic Dressage Spanish Championship held simultaneously to the Classic Dressage and Masters Absolute Championships, involved Grades I, II ,III, IV, y V, and had 23 horse-rider couplings, a historic participation record. For the rest of categories there was a Criterium competition.
The Para-equestrian area of the Real FederaciónHípica Española (Royal Spanish Riding Federation) was in charge of the organization.

Adapted Sports need to be fostered to increase the number of participants in competitions, such as happened this year, and the number of schools and association dedicated to training and coaching, so Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre is always involved in and committed with their promotion.


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