VI Conference of Equine Therapy – FNDA


The Navarra Federation of Adapted Sport in collaboration with The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport organised the «VI Days of Equine Therapy»at the Navarra University during the 25th and 26th October 2013, the third edition of these days supported by our foundation.


The proposed objectives were as follows:

  • Introduction to using horses as a method of therapy in people suffering from emotional, physical, intellectual, mental trauma and behaviour and social disorders.
  • Sensitise the professionals in the handicapped centres and those socially excluded of Navarra.
  • Spreading   the careers of university students studying education, health and social services to include therapy work, using the horse as the principal medium.
  • Examine specific cases, most common syndromes.

These days had a total of 36 participants, 17 of whom were students of the University of Navarra, six were speakers at the conference and of the rest,  the majority were  professionals of riding and equine therapy and from the field special needs.
After  fifteen hours of the general programme, students who wished could add 15 hours more of practical activities at the riding school adapted to the FNDA or in the El Molino College of Special Education.


With these Days, The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport, continues to favour and promote training horse therapy, helping that these type of activities are known, practised and valued more every day.

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