Specialized Course in Neurorehabilitation – Riendamiga

The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport and the Riendamiga Association have collaborated on the First Course of specialized training in neurorehabilitation: Applying the Bobath Concept in hippotherapy.
The course, taught by the physiotherapist Miguel Benito García, was held at the premises of the Lescer Center in Madrid, but the call has been national. With free admission, it was organized for 12 assistants, but due to the high demand – 36 applications – it eventually expanded two other places, up to 14.
The classes took place on Saturday July 12th, from 9:00 to 15:00 hours; the students received a crediting diploma after the course.
The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport recognizes the importance of improving the training quality of the therapists that is why it supports and promotes courses like the one that has weighed out in Riendamiga.

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