IV National Meetings on Adapted Classical Dressage – CECYL
The 1st agreement in 2018 between Fundación para la Promoción para el Deporte Ecuestre and Centro Ecuestre de Castilla y León (CECYL) includes among several para-equestrian projects, the IV National Meetings on Adapted Classical Dressage.
The IV National Meetings on Adapted Classical Dressage were held from the 23th to the 25th of February at Centro Ecuestre de Castilla y León and were organized by Real Federación Hípica Española with Mrs. Fátima Cao in charge.
The target was to create a space for communication, exchange and training of amateurs and professionals connected with the discipline. Activities ranged from lectures to hands-on workshops, mainly focused on horse-rider pairings and their coaches, to come out with tailored-to-the-couple work strategies.
A total of 81 participants, sports-persons, trainers, referees, and representatives of different institutional and professional fields, gathered from February 23rdto the 25th on the Centre’s premises.
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre supports these meetings, that play an important role in the professionalization of Adapted Riding, by establishing a professional frame for active involvement, interchangeand networking.