Facilities Improvement – ÁGATA
Product of the 3rd cooperation agreement, Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre has given financial support to improve the facilities at Asociación Gaditana de Terapias con Animales (Ágata).
The improvement consisted in the construction of a multi-purpose hall for the convenience of all participants in horse assisted therapies and their families, to be used for training courses, workshops, association meetings, and other horse related activities.
They give individual attention to an average of 20 patients per week during the school year, and over 170 persons of different target groups participate in their group sessions. One of their activities “CabalgandoJuntos” (“Riding along together”)is run on the first Saturday of every month for children with and without special needs. Since 2016, about 450 children, aged 3 to 15, have participated in it.
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre wanted to support the progressive growth of Ágata so an increasing number of beneficiaries and activities get the space, time and service quality they deserve.