Equine Therapy Training: Biki Blasco

For the second consecutive year, the Foundation to Promote Equestrian Sports has collaborated with the Equine Therapy Association Biki Blasco, based in Labiano (Navarra), to facilitate the delivery of two training courses focused on equine therapies and coaching in this field. There were 23 attendants who benefited from this collaboration.
The courses, held on 5th-8th December 2014, were scheduled with the aim of deepening the psychological and social knowledge about horse therapies, focusing on potential patients with social integration difficulties and emotional deprivation, which are lately quite common.
The theoretical frame covered several concepts in terms of horse-assisted therapies and coaching. The practices consisted on online games, observation group dynamics and analysis of horse behavior in a herd, as well as group activities with specific cases of social integration.
The Foundation to Promote Equestrian Sports continues to work on improving the quality of horse-assisted therapies, both for patients and for the animal itself. In this sense, training therapists and volunteers becomes a key pillar to be realized and supported.

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