Equine Assisted Therapies – ASPANAES Association

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and ASPANAES Association in Ferrol, have drawn a formal agreement to conduct the Therapeutic Horseback Riding Program “Assisted Intervention with Nature and Horses”, which is their first joint venture.
Ludic activities and play with the horse were used to teach group autonomy, approaching and making contact with the horse, and strengthen concepts like respecting waiting times and turns in a game.
This project was conducted during the months or April, May, June and October 2015, for the benefit of 27 pupils, who, arranged in groups of 4-6, attended two hours sessions, twice a week. Each group went with their classroom teacher at the Special Needs Education Centre.
With this new project Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre keeps striving for the improvement of individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders through Therapeutic Horseback Riding.

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