Donation of adapted riding equipment – Alianza Riding Club

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre has signed the third collaboration agreement with Alianza Riding Club in Linares (Jaén), for the donation of adapted riding equipment for its equine therapy program.

«Equine Therapy at everyone’s reach», the name of their program, is for people from several associations with different pathologies and minors from juvenile centers. During 2019 they have carried out many activities such as camps, open days, briefings, and therapeutic sessions.
They have more than 50 users from the Associations, and 15 who access the therapies independently. Users are within an age range from 18 months to 50 years, and they attend therapy one or two days a week throughout the whole year.

For la Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre it is a must that therapeutic sessions are carried out under high quality and safety standards that are largely achieved through the use of proper equipment, ensured with this donation to Alianza Riding Club.

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