Expert on the Basis of Animal Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation – Complutense University of Madrid
The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport keeps supporting for the Fourth year in a row, the educational program “Expert on the Basis of Animal Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation”, a Degree issued by the Veterinary College of Complutense University in Madrid
This general education program is followed, in its second year, by the specialization course “Expert in Equine Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation”.
With a total of 500 hours, scheduled from October 2015 to October, 2016, 10 students with previous veterinarian training attended the Veterinarian Clinical Hospital of Complutense Universty to receive lectures and practical training on topics such as: Functional Anatomy, Biomechanics, Functional Neurology, Locomotive Physiology, Lameness Diagnosis, Traumatology, Physiotherapy of Tissue Regeneration and Regenerative Medicine, Behaviour, Physiotherapeutic Assessment, Manual Therapy, Physical Therapy, Physiology of Exercise and Training, Image Based Diagnosis , Veterinarian Osteopathy, Chiropractic , and alternative medicine techniques such as acupuncture, among others.
Also participated in the program about thirty or forty teachers, among them veterinarians specialised in the different topics addressed and also physiotherapists, doctors, farriers, psychologists, and other experts in related issues.
Among the goals of the Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport is to support educational programs backed by experienced institutions that year after year qualify an increasing number of professionals in horse health and wellbeing.