Our Support in Numbers

Why collaborate with us?

Since 2005, the year the Foundation was created, we have been supporting projects by entities that promote Equestrian Sports, especially Equine-Assisted Interventions or Therapeutic Riding.

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre mission is to support, sponsor or collaborate with entities that carry out projects related to the equestrian world in the field of sport, training or therapy.

The entities present their project for possible collaboration once the period for receiving applications has opened and, after evaluation, support is given to those that comply with the terms of the call and best fit with the Foundational Aims.

Different ways in which you can contribute to our projects.

How to Collaborate with us?


If you are a private individual or company, make your donation entirely destined to the promotion of therapeutic, sporting and educational equestrian activities, obtaining a donation certificate.


If you are a company, we can establish an advertising sponsorship contract to support our activities which, in addition to its social aim, has the tax benefits of the agreement.


Promote the work of our Foundation and the benefits of Equine-Assisted Therapies in your social networks, among family and friends in order to reach more and more people.

Elige la forma con la que quieras contribuir

If you have decided to make a donation, you can choose to make a donation to contribute to our entire support programme, or to one of the specific areas such as Equine-Assisted Interventions, Vocational Training or Sport.

Below are the 4 possible categories of support:

  1. The whole annual programme of activities
  2. Equine-Assited Interventions
  3. Professional Training
  4. Equestrian Sport

Select the one you consider and click «Donate»!

If you are a company, we can establish an advertising sponsorship contract to support our activities which, in addition to its social aim, has the tax benefits of the agreement.

If this is your case, please contact us by email at informacion@fundacionecuestre.org, or by telephone on 981 66 18 63 to study all the possibilities.

Promote the work of our Foundation and the benefits of Equestrian Therapies in your social networks, among family and friends in order to reach more and more people.

Follow us on Facebook or Twitter to keep up to date with all the latest news and share content:

Facebook: www.facebook.com/FundacionEcuestre – @FundacionEcuestre

Twitter: www.twitter.com/FPDEcuestre – @FPDEcuestre