TAS Foundation – Work, Care and Overcoming Barriers

Fundación TAS

TAS Foundation is an Autonomic Region scope, non-profit organization, born in 2002 to provide resources for people with special needs living in rural communities. They also offer different assistance services to different groups at risk of social exclusion.

TAS helps uplifting the living standards of physically or intellectually challenged individuals and their families, to make their lives as full and normal as possible. They also encourage inclusive job policies and social volunteering work, trying to engage the community in these actions.

They carried out the project “Hippotherapy makes you feel good” in 2016, for children suffering from physical, emotional or cognitive disadvantages.

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Equestre supported this Project and granted adapted equestrian equipment to favour effectiveness and to ensure continuity in this particular area.

For more information about TAS Foundation: www.fundaciontas.org

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