Terapias Ecuestres La Solana (La Solana Equestrian Therapies )

Logo La Solana

LA SOLANA Equestrian Therapy Centre, which commenced its activity in 2014, is a part of La Solana Equestrian Association, constituted as a non-profit organization.

Their area of expertise involves therapeutic, recreational and psycho-pedagogical services to attend the special education needs of people physically challenged or at social disadvantage. Training programmes are offered to professionals, and families or anyone interested in Equestrian Therapies are welcome.

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre has signed in 2017 a sponsorship agreement with La Solana to provide funding for construction works, such as repairing the roof and closing the workshops, what will improve the quality of their premises.

For more information about Terapias Ecuestres La Solana: terapiasecuestreslasolana.hol.es

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