Associació Provincial de Paràlisi Cerebral -APPC (

APPC, constituted in 1977, is a private non-profit organization composed mainly logoof parents and tutors of children and youths suffering from cerebral palsy.

The mission of APPC is to defend the rights of persons suffering from cerebral palsy or similar conditions, and also to provide services and resources for their education, health care, social inclusion, job market integration, leisure time enjoyment and any other issues to favour their personal growth and well-being.

Their work focuses on attention to individuals with diversity, and specially those suffering from cerebral palsy or similar conditions.

They currently offer the following services:

– LA MUNTANYETA Special Needs Education School.

– GRESOL Occupational Centre.

– TRÈVOL Cerebral Palsy Nursing Home.

– Medical and Social Care.

And other institutions created by APPC, such as Club Esportiu de Paràlisi Cerebral de Tarragona (CEPACET), and Fundació La Muntanyeta.

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre donates them in 2019 adaptad riding equipment. 

For more information about APPC:

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