Paraequstrian Seminar Equisur Europa – Centro de Equitación y Equinoterapia Biki Blasco
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and Centro de Equitación y Equinoterapia Biki Blasco, from Navarra, have established their 5th cooperation agreement to conduct the Paraequstrian Seminar Equisur Europa.
The Seminar was held on April 29thand 30th , and May 1st, in the premises of the Riding Club, attended by 28 pupils from the Equestrian Federations in Navarra, the Vasque Country and Madrid, who received lectures and training lessons.
The faculty and guests lecturers were:
- Patricia Nadoux: International Consultant for the International Equestrian Federation for Paraequestrianism. Jump and Paraequestrian Dressage instructor. Classic Dressage referee at National Level competition.
- Fátima Cao: Responsible for discipline in the RFHE.
- María Resano Zuazu: veterinarian specialized in equine physiotherapy and rehabilitation.
- Laura Cabalgante Jiménez: Chiropractor, massage therapist and ostheopath. 8 years experience working at Biki Blasco Riding Centre.
- Amaia Usarraga Ayesa and Mikel Otxotorena Araiz: trainers of the Biki Blasco paraequestrian team.
- Biki Blasco Gamarra: Director of the Centre, Paraequestrian Dressage Chair at the Navarra Riding Federation, and Vice President of the Spanish Paraequestrian Association.
This Seminar, focused on education on paraequestrianism, and on the exchange of ideas to improve it, was en excellent example of the values of Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre.