I Initiation Course to adapted classical dressage – Castilla y León Equestrian Federation

The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport and the Castilla y León Equestrian Federation have established their second collaboration agreement for the celebration of the I Initiation Course to the adapted classical dressage, carried out from April 8th to 10th  in the facilities of the Castilla y León Equestrian Centre.

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The course was taught by Mercedes Jiménez Horwitz, starting on Friday with some theoretical conferences about the importance that the coaches know from a general point of view the functional classification system of riders, as well as the compensatory aid that they can apply to the classifiers. Equally, they spoke about the important role of the territorial federations to integrate the para-equestrian riders in dressage competitions in order to facilitate to the coaches the sport planning of its riders.

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But there was also a practical part with individual trainings for the riders and their coaches to improve the equestrian technique of the adapted classical dressage discipline para-equestrian riders, in order to initiate them and/or improve their results in the territorial and national competitions.

The attendance was by 11 riders and coaches of the Castilla y León, Madrid, Murcia, Asturias and Valencia Federations.


Through this agreement, the Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport is still committed to promoting the para-equestrian sport through the theoretical and practical training provided, in this case, by the Castilla y León Equestrian Federation to riders and coaches assistants.


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