Equine therapy to individuals in confinement undergoing dishabituation treatments – Ekinatur Association
The Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport and the Asociación de Terapias Asistidas con Animales Ekinatur (Association for therapies assisted with animals Ekinatur), from Teruel, have signed their fourth cooperation agreement to start up a program in equine therapy oriented to individuals in confinement undergoing dishabituation treatments.
On days 9th, 16th and 23rd of September, 2016, 20 inmates of the Penitentiary Centre in Teruel, assigned to the therapeutic unit for dishabituation of substances and alcohol consumption run by the Red Cross, aged from 20 to 60, were distributed into three groups to enjoy activities like horse grooming and feeding, foot on ground handling and initiation to horse riding.
The objectives pursued by this method were to give positive reinforcement to advances in rehab, to improve empathy and foster non-violent communication, expression of emotions, regulation of impulsive behaviour, and initiate the inmates in sports riding.
This new sponsorship by the Foundation for the Promotion of Equestrian Sport highlights once again the multiple areas of intervention in which Equestrian Therapies show their benefits for a wide range of needs and personal profiles.