Course “The Scientific Base of Equine Movement” – Equidinamia

Equidinamia, backed by Marta García and Mar de Echeverría, which holds its activities at Madrid, conducted the course “The Scientific Base of Equine Movement” within the activities of the V Equidinamia Conference, supported by Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre  after the signature of their 2nd Cooperation Agreement.


The VI Equidinamia Conference, celebrated onat Virgen de las Nieves Veterinary Hospital from Madrid, had 12 participants, among them riders, horse lovers and veterinarians.

The conference began at 10th with a dissertation by Mar de Echeverría, equine physiotherapist, and Marta García, a veterinarian specialised in horse rehabilitation.

Practice sessions focused on the study of horse movements, how to establish a horse’s condition by palpation of key points, stretching, and workout routines to prevent injuries and improve sporting conditions.IMG_20170610_133824

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre, in its strong belief that education and training are the keys to develop specialised horse professionals, is constantly promoting learning initiatives.IMG_20170610_135855

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