Donation of Adaptive Riding Equipment – Club Deportivo Hípico Alianza
Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and ATELH Association, Club Deportivo Hípico Alianza, from Linares, agreed to sign a new collaboration agreement for the delivery of Adaptive Riding Equipment in the form of a donation.
The therapies they carry out are aimed at people of different associations with pathologies such as autism, physical and mental impairment, premature children with developmental problems, minors from reception centers, Down syndrome, learning problems, hyperactivity and attention deficit, paralysis cerebral, agenesis of the corpus callosum, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, etc.,
The number of users has been a total of more than 40 users through the Associations and 18 who access the therapies on their own, aged up to 57 years.
ATELH Association supports this program by maintaining the number of users, but above all, and what is more important, their degree of satisfaction with the therapies and the increase in the number of beneficiaries thanks to the wide dissemination they have given of the program among existing associations in their area.