Donation of adapted riding equipment – Asociación Paraequivet

Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre and Asociación Paraequivet, from Zaragoza, signed their second cooperation agreement backing the donation of adapted riding equipment to be used in the equestrian therapies programs that the Association conducts throughout the year.


The activity of this Association focuses on Hippotherapy for children with motor impairment, Autism Spectrum Disorders and/or other General Developmental Disorders. Therapy sessions take one hour, distributed into several on-horse workouts, and benefit a total of 20 families.IMG-20161101-WA0014

Once again, Fundación para la Promoción del Deporte Ecuestre donates adapted equestrian equipment in its commitment to boost the development of equestrian therapies, increase their security standards and ensure their effectiveness.IMG_20160920_183644[1]

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